Being authentic is something most of us strive to become, but many of us, myself included, struggle sometimes with being honest about the current situation.
Standing in your own divine essence can be a challenge when we're dealing with the drama of this world, and sometimes we just need to get real and be vulnerable and to shift gear and embrace our true power.
I invite you to join Janet Miller, The...
Jeg vet hvor frustrerende det kan være å møte de samme utfordringene gang på gang og spesielt hvis du har lagt ned mye energi i å utforske årsaken til hvorfor du repeterer det samme gamle, mønstret.
Hvis du opplever å ha snudd på enhver stein og tittet bak enhver dør, men du står fremdeles fast i begrensende vaner og mønstre som påvirker livskvaliteten i...
In this episode of the Spiritual Quest Podcast we will diver deeper into the topic of intuition and how important it is to trust your intuition.
You'll meet the insightful Kim Chestney, author of the book Radical Intuition: A Revolutionary Guide to Using Your Inner Power, and the Founder of IntutionLab, which is an international school dedicated to teaching a practical, integrated approach to awakening your innate intuitive nature.
Kim's mission is to empower people to live...
What you choose to do to raise your vibration is good for humanity!
Learn simple steps to how you can raise your vibration and embrace your human experience through the eyes of the soul.
Trusting your intuition is a necessity if you want to protect your energy field from outside forces. In this mind-blowing conversation, podcast guest Pete Smith shares his love for helping people understand the truth of who they really are.
Pete is a trailblazer in the field of human consciousness. He is the founder of the Institute for Quantum Consciousness, author of the book Quantum Consciousness - Journey through other realms and the creator of Here comes the light - 2028 discussion...
In these challenging times, it's crucial to take responsibility for the energy you project and your inner dialog says a lot about which frequency you're tuning into and sharing with the world around you.
If you're from Ukraine or Russia, then this meditation will help you feel safe in an uncertain time. Listen to meditation.
Podcast guest Paul Aurand is an award-winning Master Hypnotherapist, Author of the book Essential Healing and an NDE (near-death experience) survivor who were struck by lightning.
In todays episode, I sit down with Paul to have an open and honest conversation about what actually happens when you crossover to the other side and how this life altering experience has effected Paul's choices in life.
If you're interested in what actually happens when we die and how you can open yourself up to...
In this episode of the Spiritual Quest Podcast, you'll hear from the inspiring Jannecke Øinæs, founder of Wisdom From North, the Nordic platform for spiritual knowledge and personal development.
In this open and candid conversation, Jannecke shares her transformational story about how her dream of becoming a musical theatre artist was shattered, when she lost her voice at the peak of her career, and how she discovered her purpose that opened her heart to follow her...
Når du velger å utforske visjoner, da styrker du sjelens-stemme og samspillet med Hjelpere, Guider og Mestre. Visjoner er formidler av sjelens kall og minner deg på at du er sjel som har en menneskelig erfaring.
Å leve fra sjelenivået gir en dypere forståelse av alt som utspiller seg i livet. I møte med situasjoner, opplevelser eller hendelser har du to valg. Enten velger du kjærlighet eller frykt! Når du tillater sjelen å vise vei...