
Are you being your authentic self? Do you truly know who you are?

english podcast video english | Posted Nov 29, 2022

In this episode, you'll meet Intuitive Light Worker, Donna-Marie. Her work is guided through Source Divine Light energy and with the help of her Spiritual Team, which she refers to as The Management, she helps people with their ascension process.

She says that you absolutely must know and understand your OWN energetic vibration as it is the key to aligning you to be the vibrational match to your goals and dreams. And I couldn't agree more!

Being authentic and standing in your power is the...

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Have you experienced meeting someone for the first time and intuitively knowing them?

english podcast video english | Posted Nov 22, 2022

Some connections are instant and in this episode of the Spiritual Quest Podcast, you'll meet Intuitive Lightworker, Donna-Marie. Her work is guided through Source Divine Light energy and with the help of her Spiritual Team, which she refers to as "the management", she helps people with their ascension process.

Having Zarius & The Order of 7 by my side since childhood, no wonder why I felt drawn to her and the incredible work she does! We all line up with the people that...

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Are you playing with Dark entities?

podcast video english | Posted Oct 31, 2022

The topic of ghosts, dark entities, and demons have been talked about for centuries in every culture and religion, and with the help of the ascension process, more people are experiencing the dark night of the soul and waking up to their true Power. In a world of duality where light and darkness, right or wrong, love or fear, is a choice we must make every day, it’s easy to be affected by external forces driven by lower vibrations. 


I’ve dedicated much of my time to...

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Have you had contact with the Dark side?

eng video english | Posted Oct 27, 2022

Have you had contact with ghosts, lower-dimensional entities, or experienced paranormal activities?

More and more people are speaking up and sharing their experiences with other dimensions, and connecting with different beings, and just like here on earth, not all beings are good.

My guest, Laura Van Tyne started out as a mother and a schoolteacher until one day the paranormal descended upon their home. It all began with a ghost child named Annabelle and Laura had to learn how to protect her...

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Is your energy being trapped by outside forces?

video english | Posted Oct 04, 2022

Jade D’Crust, known as the London Theta Healer, helps people transform their lives to live the embodiment of their highest path and purpose in this lifetime through different modalities such as Theta Healing, Akashic Records Readings, connecting with Spirit Guides, Prosperity Activation, and transformative workshops. 

Her mission to help people restore their power, live out their creative potential and purpose, and be happy, comes from a place of deep knowledge after being...

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Are you questioning your life experiences?

video english | Posted Sep 27, 2022

Why are you experiencing the things that you are? Is there a deeper meaning with things that seem meaningless to the human eye?

My podcast guest, Jade D’Cruz is an award-winning documentary filmmaker that was put under a spell that led her into the dark night of the soul, where she lost everything including her aspiring film career. She lost her power to once again reclaim her power.

Jade' story of how a split decision can turn the world upside down, and how fighting for your...

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Do you believe in black magic?

video english | Posted Sep 20, 2022

In this episode of the Spiritual Quest Podcast, you’ll meet an award-winning documentary filmmaker that became spellbound and found herself stuck in lower dimensions where she lost her power. 

This is a true story of how a split decision can turn the world upside down, and how fighting for your own survival is key to accepting your own Divine essence and becoming your authentic self. 

This is yet another episode that should come with a warning. In a world of duality, you...

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How to Shift your Money Reality?

video english | Posted Sep 18, 2022

Are you experiencing lack or scarcity when it comes to money? 

If are you struggling with money imprints or limiting beliefs about money, this conversation will shine a light on how you can overcome money limitations using specific tools that allow you to discover, release and reprogram your relationship with money. 

Indrani Sinha Seth is a holistic Coach, wellness consultant, Integrated Clinical Hypnotherapist, Transpersonal Regression Therapist, and Life Between Lives...

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Er du klar for oppstigning til 5D?

video norsk | Posted Sep 01, 2022

Er du klar til å ta et viktig steg videre på sjelens reise? Har du kjent på endringer i energien i og rundt deg, og som trigger gamle 3D mønstre og lavfrekvente energier?

Symptomer på oppstigning er nå noe som mange av oss opplever. Løsriving fra gamle trossystmer tvinges fram, og gjør at mange ikke lenger føler de har et valg enn å overgi seg til høyere energier. De sterke vindene som sveiper over Moder Jord, vekker...

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How to listen to the Guidance of Spirit?

video english | Posted Aug 28, 2022

How to listen to the Guidance of Spirit? My purpose in life is to help people connect with their true essence and to embrace the guidance of spirit, and I'm grateful to have been given the opportunity to share my purpose with the world on the Podcast wow Love Light Inspire with Lorene Roberts. 

In this transparent episode, I speak about how the guidance of Spirit has literately saved my life and how you can open up and embrace your true essence and allow your soul to lead the way.


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