
Channeled Message For Humanity✨

channelings english | Posted Oct 18, 2024
Vibecke Garnaas
Channeled Message For Humanity✨
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Join Me In Sedona🌟

english vision quest 2025 | Posted Oct 04, 2024

Welcome, Awakened Soul, to a sanctuary of profound discovery and enlightenment.

I am thrilled to extend a heartfelt invitation to you for an unforgettable journey—Vision Quest 2025 Sedona Equinox Retreat. This is not just a retreat; it's a sacred adventure into the heart of one of the most spiritually vibrant places on Earth.

As we gather during the powerful spring equinox, we will walk this sacred land where the Chief of the Holy Land once guided me and a group of visionaries to walk...

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Download Your Free Ebook

english free resource | Posted Sep 17, 2024

Finding Light in Times of Crisis: A Journey to Inner Transformation and Community Connection

In the swirling chaos of today's world, where unpredictability seems to reign, finding a beacon of hope can often feel like a daunting challenge. Yet, within each of us lies an incredible power—a light that can illuminate even the darkest path. Amidst the turmoil, there is an opportunity not just to survive, but to thrive by nurturing this inner light through self-discovery and community...

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Explore Quantum Intuition

english intuition | Posted Sep 01, 2024

Are you on a path of exploration and expansion of the Soul and want to strengthen that gentle whisper of intuition nudging you toward your Soul mission? Now is the perfect time to embrace it and see where it can lead you!

I’m so excited and grateful to be able to share this fantastic opportunity with you, and I want to invite you to something truly special. 

My good friend and soul-sister, Queen of Intuition Kim Chestney, the heart behind IntuitionLab and author of the...

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Uncover Your Witch Wound Blocks

english online event | Posted Mar 15, 2024

Are you ready to uncover your witch wound blocks?

I believe we're all on the verge of something truly magnificent. It's become clear to me, after 16 years of helping people reclaim their power, that many of us carry hidden scars - Witch Wounds - that subtly shape our lives, muffling our voices, dulling our achievements, and curtailing our leadership dreams. It's that whisper telling you to hide your intuition and mute the colorful vibrance of your true self.

Have you found yourself minimizing...

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Activate Your Prosperity✨

english video english | Posted Feb 14, 2024

Welcome to a realm where dreams take form and visions become reality. I hope this message finds you in the throes of creation, transformation, and evolution.

You are more than a visionary; you are an agent of change, a vessel for abundance, a beacon of light guiding us toward a world filled with brilliance.

As a Torchbearer, you understand that money is not just a tool, but an energy source that catalyzes creation, transformation, and prosperity. Today, I invite you to experience these...

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Full Moon Channeling

Have you felt it?

The upcoming full moon has left a strong impact on me, activating the unhealed shadow side of humanity and bringing it to the surface, allowing tears to flow freely.

As we journey through life, our star maps guide our souls, helping us navigate the highs and lows of our 3D reality. Our life force energy acts as a compass, providing us with insight into where we stand on this profound journey. During times of transformative change, The Order brings much-needed clarity and...

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Do you doubt your ability to live a prosperous life?

english | Posted Nov 21, 2023

At times, I have found myself doubting my own worth, leaving me feeling undeserving. The experience of feeling inadequate or not smart enough has been a constant reminder of a challenging childhood, where I struggled to fit in and felt judged for being different.

Perhaps you've had similar experiences that have shaped how you perceive life through the lens of the 3D. From an early age, I was taught that some individuals deserved more respect, making them more important and powerful than...

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Unveiling a Starseed's Unexplained Trauma

english video english | Posted Jun 13, 2023

Do you feel a deep and unexplainable connection to otherworldly forces? Are you a Starseed struggling with trauma of unknown origins?

In this heart-to-heart, a deep-rooted trauma was activated! I found myself remembering lifetimes on other planets where fragments of my soul's energy still reside. If you're a Starseed experiencing unexplained trauma, then this podcast episode will serve you well.

Join Starseed and ET contactee Lily Nova as she shares her incredible story of awakening to her...

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Dispelling Myths About Reptilians and Greys

english video english | Posted Jun 06, 2023

Are you wondering what's out there in the universe? And what your Star Origin is?

Join Lily as she dives deep into her work with the Galactic Federation to uncover the truth about reptilians and greys and how we as Starseeds are opening up to connect with our Star origin.

What if these entities could actually be us from the future? It's time to unlock the mysteries of the universe with this podcast episode! Watch in full by clicking here.

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