
How to open up to the Spiritual realm?

english Jul 01, 2021

The Golden Rule of silence

Seeking your personal truth, is a balancing act between the Ego mind and the Soul. In the Movement of Life, in every breath, lays an opportunity to see, feel, hear the truth filtered through the physical body, bringing enlightenment to the human experience, through Oneness.

The Golden Gate

At the end of the breath , is the Golden Gate, the Spiritual realm, where all of creation resides. The truth of you experience, Divine Power, unleashed to the world through self love.

Within the stillness, the non movement of soul energy in motion, is where Source energy creates the movement of life. Stillness is Golden, releasing the demands of the ego, which separates you from wholeness.

How do you practice silence? Are you still enough to be the creator of the life your heart and soul desire?

Silence brings awareness to every breath, allowing you to observe the motion of life. Practice being silent. Be silence. Do not speak unconsciously. Instead just observe the energy behind the words, letting you know who is speaking, the Ego or the Soul?

Take a deep breath, and as you exhale, follow your breath and listen to the stillness at the end of your breath and allow it to speak. Write down what comes and see your truth unfold on paper.

You are Divine, The Light of Creation, a Pure Channel of Love.
