
Channeling The Legacy of Nelson Mandela

channelings video english Jul 02, 2021

This message, from the Legacy of Nelson Mandela, was delivered to the community members of the Rainbow Path back in October 2018. The message is a gift to humanity and reminds us how we can create unity between mankind.

I urge you to listen to the channeling several times. Read the words, then close your eyes and center yourself within your heart, and listen again. Allow the energy behind the words speak to you, and notice how it makes you feel. 

Should you experience any interference by ego, just simple take a deep breath, and observe what is being triggered and let go by reminding yourself, that you're free to raise above any low vibrations caused by old beliefs. Repeat I am Love, until you feel the shift in vibration. 

My hope is that you will allow yourself to be inspired (IN-Spirit) by the message, given in unconditional love to humanity. Feel free to share this message of hope. 

