Clearing Frequnecy 1 Transmission

Embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery and vibrational alignment Divinely guided by Zarius & The Order of 7!

Unlock the Gateway to Higher Consciousness and embrace the limitless possibilities of the multidimensional being. 

The focus of this transmission is to release 3D limitations, reconnect with our unique frequencies, and prepare for the activation of new energies.  

This Transmission is filled with intuitive teachings and channeled transmissions, allowing for deep introspection and shift in perspectives.

This Transmission includes:

  • Preparation Videos & Exercises:  Three empowering preparation videos with exercises to maximize your experience.
  • Collective Reading: Activating the collective intention for the transmission using insight cards.
  • Introduction to Zarius & The Order of 7: Gain an understanding of why The Order channels transmissions and awakens people to their innate Power.
  • Channeled Transmission: Be inspired and transformed by The Order's channeled transmission, helping you shift out of 3D lack and limitations and opening the gateway to higher consciousness with the reactivation of Frequency 1 within 4D.
  • Q&A replay: Hear from participants who joined the live channeled transmission.
  • Audio Transmission: Download the Transmission to continue clearing Frequency 1.

Please note that all sales are final, and we are unable to process refunds. 

This powerful transmission calls us to reclaim our power and align with our highest good!


What People Are Saying:

This was Fantastic .....very real and mind-blowing thanks Vibecke Garnaas, Zarius, and the council.

Stian Andrè Neple

After listening to Vibecke on a YT video, I knew it would be wonderful. My session was beyond my expectations. I felt connected and completely touched by the beings I was speaking with through Vibecke. There was such love, compassion, and understanding in the guidance and information I received. It was life-changing.

Debra Gerner

Professional Accurate I was able to gain answers to questions I have held within me for many years. I am certainly going to re- listen every night to enable me to attune to this obviously high frequencies. Thank you.

Michael Muller

Kr 498.00 per pers.